Simply enter your city, state, or zip to view a list of locksmiths in your location.
You can also narrow your results by checking the box next to the service you are looking for (example: Emergency 24 Hour Services or Lockouts). This will help you
find the perfect locksmith for your needs.
All the companies in our search tool have been vetted by us. If you are unable to find a locksmith using our locator tool, we recommend reading our
tips for choosing a locksmith before Googling local locksmiths.
Want to put your business on the map? Submit your information here.
Tips for Choosing a Locksmith
If you find a local locksmith using our tool above, you don’t have to worry about using these suggestions. We’ve already done the work.
But if you do need to turn to Google for help, please use the following guidelines to ensure you are doing business with an actual professional and not a locksmith
scam artist:
Is there company advertising on the vehicle?
An unmarked vehicle with no company advertising is a red flag.
Is the price too good to be true?
It probably is. Ask for a written estimate of the total, including the trip charge. Remember, locksmithing is a skilled trade that requires constant learning
and certification, all of which costs time and money. To give you an idea on pricing, our
automotive key services in Omaha are:
$29.95 – 89.95 for programming and
$19.95 - $39.95 for key cutting services. This does not include a trip charge or a lockout fee.
Did the locksmith show you their ID?
If not, ask for identification from the locksmith upon arrival. Professional locksmiths will not hesitate to give you some sort of identification to verify who
they are.
Did the locksmith check your ID?
A qualified locksmith should ask for valid identification from you before they begin working.