We offer the best value and the best selection when it comes to Lexus IS F key fobs! If you're the proud owner of a 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 or 2012 IS F car, then you'll locate a spare key for your vehicle. You can easily replace a lost key with our four-button key fobs that are unlocked and ready to be programmed. Each product is carefully labeled with specific item details so be sure to read them before checking out! We also carry valet key inserts, batteries for your key fob and a lifetime warranty. The dealership is no longer you're only option when it comes to finding a Lexus IS F replacement key fob and remote programming. You can save up to 80 percent off traditional dealership prices when you choose to shop with us. Why wouldn't you? You'll receive the exact same quality, better customer service and much lower pricing. Shop today!