Here are the programming instructions for a 2003 Mazda 6 Key Fob Remote. If you need an extra Key Fob or Replacement Fob for any vehicle you might have visit us at You can also leave comments or suggestions at the bottom of this blog and if you like what we provide please forward on to your friends & family; people like you are our best advertising tool!
1. Open drivers door and leave open.
2. Lock and Unlock the drivers door using the power lock switch on door panel.
3. Insert key into the ignition.
4. Turn key to the ON and OFF position 3 times in 10 seconds. Leave key in ignition.
5. Open and close drivers door 3 times ending with door in the open position.
6. Door locks should respond by locking and unlocking.
7. Press any button on remote 2 times. Doors should then lock and unlock.
8. If programming a second remote press any button onit 2 times and door locks should lock and unlock.
9. Remove key from ignition and locks should lock and unlock again.
10. Test Remotes
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By Keyless Entry Remote Inc