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2007 Nissan Murano Key Fob Remote Programming Instructions

Posted by Keyless Entry Remote on Oct 21st 2013

Here are the programming instructions for a 2007 Nissan Murano Key Fob Remote. If you need an extra Key Fob or Replacement Fob for any vehicle you might have visit us at You can also leave comments or suggestions at the bottom of this blog. If you like what we provide please forward on to your friends & family and share via the social media icons below; people like you are our best advertising tool!


Programming Instructions:

If your vehicle has a silver smart key, must be brought to a dealer or locksmith for programming

Standard keyless entry programming

1. Get inside the vehicle close and LOCK all doors using the lock/unlock switch on the driver's side door. (do not use the remote)

2. Insert your key into the ignition and remove it 6 times within 10 seconds. You will need to fully insert and remove the key during this step each time in roughly one second intervals. The hazard lamps will flash when done correctly. If the hazards do not flash do the procedure 10 times rather than 6.

3. Insert the key in the ignition and turn it to the ACC position.

4. Within 5 seconds push the lock button once on the new remote(your hazards will flash confirming programming.

5. If you have other remotes including new and existing working remotes follow this step, if not skip to step 6. UNLOCK then LOCK the doors by using the lock/unlock switch on the driver's side door. (do not use the remote) Within 5 seconds press the lock button on the remote you are now programming. Your hazard lamps will flash to confirm programming.

Repeat this same process for all remaining remotes to be programmed.

6. Once you have programmed all remotes turn the ignition to OFF and completely remove the key from the ignition. UNLOCK all doors using the lock/unlock switch on the driver's side door. (do not use the remote)

7. Test all remotes to confirm programming.

Having trouble programming the remote or just want a professional to program the remote for you? Enter your city or zip code in the search box below to find a professional key fob installer in your area.


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