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How To Find the Right Used Key Fob for Your Automobile

Posted by Keyless Entry Remote on Oct 2nd 2014

How To Find the Right Used Key Fob for Your Automobile

So you’ve decided that you’re going to by a used key fob to replace your lost or broken one rather than going through the dealership. That’s a great choice, because you stand to save up to 80% off of what you would’ve paid. But, perhaps you’re worried about finding the exact used key fob that’s going to be right for your automobile? Below, we’re going to walk you through the entire process of locating the right replacement key fob through Keyless Entry Remote Inc.

Search For Your Car’s Make and Model

Along the left side of our website, you’ll notice that we have a list of different car makes. Simply click on your car’s make, and then you’ll be directed to our inventory of key fobs for the make. Then, in the search field along the top of the webpage, enter your car’s model. This should direct you to the key fob (or key fobs) that will work with your automobile.

Double Check Your Key Fob

Each key fob has two unique codes that you can use to match your replacement key fob with your automobile. The first is the part number, and the second is the FCC ID number.

If you still have your old key fob, get those two numbers off of the back of the unit. Then compare those numbers against the one’s that we list for the key fob you’re looking at. If the part numbers match, then you should be looking at the exact same model of key fob, and you will be guaranteed that it will work with your car. If they do not match, but the FCC ID numbers do, then it’s almost certain that the key fob will match. However, you may want to give our customer service team a call so that we can double check.

In the event you don’t have access to the original key fob’s part number and FCC ID number, that’s not a problem. In this instance, you’ll simply have to call your dealership and ask for this information.

Purchase and Program

If everything above checks out, then simply purchase the key fob and wait for it to arrive. In the meantime, you can locate directions for setting it up through our website. In some instances, you may have to go to the dealership to have your replacement key fob programmed. But, in almost every case, you should be able to do it yourself in a matter of minutes!

Having trouble programming the remote or just want a professional to program the remote for you? Enter your city or zip code in the search box below to find a professional key fob installer in your area.

By Keyless Entry Remote Inc

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