The latest cloning solution for Megamos Crypto ID48 transponders and Texas Instruments 80 bit transponders.
The M-Box with M-Snoop is add-on hardware that adds the capability of cloning Megamos® ID48 equipped transponder keys for Volkswagen, Audi, Volvo, and more. Most recently the M-Box adds the capability to clone transponder keys equipped with the Texas Instruments® 80 bit transponder for Ford, Hyundai, and Kia.
The M-Box is compatible with existing Ilco/Silca cloning devices while the unique M-Snoop allows for capture of original key data without the need to cut a new key. The M-Box can connect to Wi-Fi or use a wired internet connection. The M-Box brings total cloning capability to approximately 95% of transponder key equipped vehicles in North America today.
- Professional Solution, Familiar Process, Top Service
- Clone Before Cutting
- Unique M-Snoop and Chip Transponder Technology
- Comprehensive Solution to cover the widest possible range of keys and remotes
- New T48 for ID48 glass transponder and T80 Plus for Texas 80 bit fits original transponder keys and remotes, as well as all Ilco replacement vehicle keys
- Unique M-Snoop technology reads original key data without the need to cut a new key (only needed for ID48 at this time)
- Simple visual confirmation of successful cloning before cutting the key blade
- Cloning equipment can be used simultaneously for other jobs while procedure runs
- Compatible with existing Ilco/Silca brand cloning devices*
- Easy to use software with a dedicated webpage to manage progress of cloning jobs
- Can connect to Wi-Fi via a smartphone or tablet hotspot, No need for a PC or a fixed internet connection to clone
- Compatible with Advanced Diagnostics™ procedures for programming vehicle remotes
* RW4 Plus, Ilco EZ®-Clone Plus, RW4 with Plus Box, Ilco EZ®-Clone with Plus Box
Texas 80 bit solution is only compatible with RW4 Plus and Ilco EZ Clone Plus
T80 Plus Brochure in English T80 Plus Folleto en Espanol T80 Plus Brochure en Francais
Texas 80 Bit Plus Cloning Application List in English Texas 80 Bit Plus Lista de Aplicaciones de Clonacion en Espanol Texas 80 Bit Plus Liste des Applications de Clonage en Francais
Texas 80 Bit Plus FAQ in English Texas 80 Bit Plus Preguntas Frecuentes en Espanol Texas 80 Bit Plus FAQ en Francais
ilco ID48 Brochure in English ilco ID48 Folleto en Espanol ilco ID48 Brochure en Francais ID48 Application Chart
M-SNOOP Instruction Manual Version 1
M-BOX Instruction Manual Version 1.0
To view more instructional videos about how to setup and use the M-Box click here.